
Port Hedland

We are delivering a selection of training courses at the Hedland Hotel, Port Hedland. Book any of our regional courses to get a 25% discount off the Non-member rate. Prices displayed on the website reflect the discounted rates.
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Influencing Skills Influencing Skills

Influencing Skills

There are many people that we may need to influence because of our role, our expertise, our experience, or even our unique view on an issue. In this course, you'll explore the elements that help you to develop the ability to positively influence others, and then apply that learning to situations in your workplace. This course runs in Perth and select regional locations.

What attendees are saying...

"An interactive and interesting course that held my attention for the whole day."


Interested in taking a course but unsure where to start?

AIM WA has a library full of possibilities to advance your career, train your team and move you towards your career goals. Explore our courses to find the best fit for you.

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