
Kalgoorlie courses

We are delivering a selection of training courses at the Goldfields Art Centre. Book any of our regional courses to get a 25% discount off the Non-member rate. Prices displayed on the website reflect the discounted rates.
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Having Difficult Conversations Having Difficult Conversations

Having Difficult Conversations

Tough discussions with a direct report, peer, boss, supplier or customer can arise in a variety of situations. This course will show you how to prepare for these challenges and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome for everyone involved. This course runs in Perth and select regional locations.

What attendees are saying...

"The course was great, well-structured and super engaging!"

Hannah Boyd
Perth Netball Association Inc.
Competition Administrator

Interested in taking a course but unsure where to start?

AIM WA has a library full of possibilities to advance your career, train your team and move you towards your career goals. Explore our courses to find the best fit for you.

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