AIM WA’s landmark executive development program for First Nations leaders


Join us on a remarkable journey

BEEDIYAR (‘BRID-EE-YAH'), the Noongar word for 'leader' is AIM WA’s landmark executive development program for First Nations leaders.  It aims to fast-track Indigenous professionals into executive roles, fostering a new generation of CEOs, directors and senior executives.

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Comprehensive and culturally responsive

This unparalleled program blends experiential learning and networking opportunities for First Nations employees aspiring towards senior executive roles.

Participants embark on a year-long journey with in-depth plenary sessions, personalised coaching, and practical insights through site visits and a global study tour.

They also gain access to world-class forums learning alongside professors from Harvard Business School and co-design a tailor-made development plan, while extending their networks through the BEEDIYAR Network WA Alumni and Professional Membership with AIM WA.

Access world-class leadership development
Engage in practical, experiential learning
Co-design your professional journey

BEEDIYAR program outcomes

  • Accelerate your professional journey into a senior executive role by better understanding yourself, your leadership style and how to adapt to bring out the best in yourself and others.
  • Build your confidence and capability to navigate new challenges: become more adept in working with people at all levels of an organisation and managing the complex dynamics at play.
  • See first-hand how different organisations are responding to contemporary leadership challenges and learn where Australia stands in the context of international markets.

  • A demonstrated contribution to the career acceleration of First Nations leaders in Western Australia across all sectors and sizes
  • Evidence of commitment to elevating Indigenous voices in workplaces, aligned to social corporate responsibility and Reconciliation Action Plan objectives
  • The opportunity to contribute to the program through hosting site visits and co-designing Action Learning Projects with program participants.

  • An empowered and substantial group of First Nations leaders ready to take on senior roles in any organisation
  • A supportive network of senior leaders dedicated to uplifting and advancing First Nations employees
  • An enhanced celebration and acknowledgment of First Nations leadership and cultural heritage.

What our BEEDIYAR Advisory Committee is saying

As a BEEDIYAR sponsor, you’ll also further your own organisational journey towards cultural competence and support Reconciliation Action Plan objectives through:

  • Valuable insights from the program’s Action Research Project on cultural competence in the workplace
  • Networking opportunities with other sponsors to share your experiences
  • Updates on BEEDIYAR achievements and outcomes to share with your stakeholders.

You’ll be invited to play a greater part in this unique program and develop your connection with participants, through opportunities such as:

  • Offering experiential learning activities at your organisation, for example hosting a site visit or enabling CEO shadowing
  • Attending The BEEDIYAR Network WA’s meetings and events by invitation
  • Celebrating with BEEDIYAR participants at their exclusive program graduation event.

As a valued sponsor, your organisation will receive recognition and visibility, including:

  • Your brand on digital BEEDIYAR communications
  • Digital assets for use on your channels to show your support for BEEDIYAR
  • Profile for your organisation on AIM WA’s Workplace Conversations content hub.


Entries for the 2024 program are now closed.

We invite early expressions of interest for the 2025 program for both participants and sponsors.

Your employer needs to endorse your application when you apply for the opportunity to enrol in the program.

You must be able to commit the time to fully participate in the entire program.

We are committed to a selection process that ensures a diverse cohort of participants, including those from regional and remote WA.

Join us in shaping a diverse, empowered future.



Our Sponsors


At AIM WA, we are dedicated to supporting First Nations leaders like you on your path to greater leadership roles through the BEEDIYAR program.

If you're ready to take the next step in your career and join a community of like-minded professionals, we're here to guide you.

Entries for the 2024 program are now closed. Express your interest in the 2025 program today.

Get in touch