Health and safety representatives in training

Health and Safety Representatives Training Course

Discover the essential skills and knowledge to fulfil the requirements of the Work Health and Safety Act 2022 and create a safer workplace for all your workers and customers. To be recognised by WorkSafe, people attending this course MUST be a Health and Safety Representative (HSR).


5 Days

Time (AWST)


This course will assist Health and Safety Representatives to confidently and competently engage everyone in meaningful communication about the risks and remedies for incidents and injuries in the workplace.

A 'representative' means a Health and Safety Representative or deputy HSR duly elected in accordance with the WHS Act.

Pre-requisites and co-requisites

Persons eligible for the WorkSafe WA HSR Training are HSRs or deputy HSRs elected under the WHS Act.

Who will benefit

This workplace health and safety course is designed for elected HSRs under the WHS Act who have requested approved training to gain an understanding of the management of work health and safety under the WHS legislation and their role and entitlements as HSRs.

Managers and supervisors may also attend to gain knowledge of the requirements under the WHS Act and gain a better understanding of the roles and responsibilities of their HSRs.


This health and safety representative course will provide HSRs with information and skills relating to:

  • WHS Act legislation framework 
  • The role and functions of WorkSafe WA and its interaction with HSRs
  • Duties and responsibilities of Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBUs), officers, workers and other parties under the legislation
  • The nature of the consultation process with workers as required of the primary PCBU by the Act
  • The purpose of formation of a work group (or work groups) within the workplace
  • Election process for HSRs and duty HSRs, and disqualification provisions
  • Health and Safety Committee (HSCs)
  • The entitlements, rights and protections of an elected HSR and deputy HSR
  • Risk management and the use of risk controls, including the duties and responsibilities of the various PCBUs under the legislation
  • How HSRs can use their functions to contribute to risk management activities in the workplace
  • PINs and the right to cease, or direct the cessation of, unsafe work.

Learning Outcomes

You will learn to:

  • Understanding the current WHS legislative framework and its relationship to the HSR role
  • Use negotiation, communication and problem-solving skills and strategies to represent a work group and to resolve work health and safety issues
  • Understand hazard identification, risk assessment and control practices and tools
  • Conduct workplace inspections and incident investigations
  • Issue PINs and direct unsafe work to cease.

What past course attendees say:

"The food was outstanding! Loved the morning barista-made coffees."
Sonia Bouska
City of Canning
"Everything was great, the facilitator made it fun and interactive."
Tangata Tautu
Mentis Australia
Site Systems and Procurement
Related Results

This course will assist managers, supervisors and team leaders to understand their responsibilities under our WHS laws and develop the skills needed to effectively manage safety in the workplace.

Gain clarity on your leadership responsibilities to provide a psychologically safe working environment. In line with WHS legislation, the onus is on leaders to ensure risks are identified and action is taken to eliminate or reduce the impact of those risks. This course runs in Perth and selected regional locations.

For Workers.
Enhance your understanding of psychosocial hazards, the role you play in reporting them and discover effective measures to mitigate their impact.  As a worker, you may be exposed to these hazards. This course will offer strategies for how you can respond efficiently. This course runs in Perth and select regional locations.

Get a broad understanding of the factors that impact your mental health in the workplace.  This may include external stressors, workload, relationships, diet and more.  The focus of this course is on nurturing your own mental health, while also equipping you with the tools to support others. This course runs in Perth and select regional locations.

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