Leading in a Time of Extreme Disruption

This course will give you the opportunity to take stock of your current skill set against what will be required to meet tomorrow’s leadership challenges. The good news? Many leaders – and organisations - aren’t ready to meet these challenges. You can use the key points from the course to help your organisation meet or even get ahead of the needs of a fast transforming work environment.


5 x 90 minute virtual classroom sessions

Time (AWST)

Intake 2 (Wednesday):
3.30pm - 5:00pm
Five weeks commencing October 2



According to Futurist Bob Johansen the successful leaders of tomorrow will be the ones who “can provide a clear vision for the organisation while offering a flexible path to achieve those goals”. Sounds simple! However, this challenge brings with it a variety of skills, principles and literacies that need to be learned, adopted, and implemented now to have any chance of success in the immediate future.

As Bob Johansen also says, “It’s too late to catch up, but it’s a great time to leapfrog”.

Who will benefit

The course is for anyone who wants to shape the future of their team and their organisation by understanding cultivating the essential leadership skills and literacies that the “new norm” demands.


  • Session One - What does tomorrow’s workplace look like?
  • Session Two - What will a leader need in a “new norm” workplace?
  • Session Three - What does this mean for future leaders – 1
  • Session Four - What does this mean for future leaders – 2
  • Session Five - How will you position yourself as a future leader?
Note: Sessions are not recorded.
If you are unable to attend a session, transfers are not possible.

Learning Outcomes

Participants should be able to:

  • Understand Johansen’s 5 Leaderships Literacies and how they can be applied in their role/organisation
  • Understand the 4 underlying mental capacities that future leaders will need to develop/enhance to survive and thrive in order to meet tomorrow’s leadership challenges
  • Identify which of the Future Leadership Skills they currently have and which they will need to develop or hone.
Related Results

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This course runs in Perth and Bunbury.

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