Creating a High Performance Team

Using case studies and simulation exercises, this course will help you to implement strategies to ensure your team works effectively together to achieve a set of goals and objectives.


1 Day

Time (AWST)


There’s a certain skill set that’s needed when it comes to achieving effective teamwork. During this course, you will develop the skills and knowledge required to promote teamwork, create effective team plans and build high performing teams.

Who will benefit

All managers working at the frontline of an organisation, from supervisors and team leaders, through to business unit and divisional managers.



  • Establishing team purpose, goals and objectives
  • Consulting with team members
  • Supporting team members in meeting required outcomes
  • Communicating expectations, roles and responsibilities
  • Encouraging team members to accept responsibility for work tasks
  • Fostering cultures where team members assist each other in undertaking required roles and responsibilities
  • Providing feedback
  • Building high performance teams
  • Differentiating recognition and reward
  • Establishing standards of performance
  • Leadership style and factors that influence style.

Learning Outcomes

You will learn to:

  • Establish a common purpose, objectives and goals within your team to achieve agreed outcomes
  • Consult, support and encourage your team members, establish performance standards and communicate each member's roles and responsibilities
  • Develop cohesion with both the wider team and contributing individuals
  • Discover the best way to provide feedback and distinguish between recognition and reward
  • Participate in and facilitate work teams
  • Communicate information and unresolved issues between management and the team.
Related Results

Through diverse and exciting learning approaches, this program is designed to empower and train new leaders. Guided by experienced facilitators and coaches, this program has been tailored to accelerate the development of our next generation of leaders.

Tailored for current supervisors, this course builds on your existing experience with people management. You will learn how to enhance your leadership skills and maximise your own potential and that of your staff. 

Responsible leadership is a prerequisite for high performing teams. This program focuses on creating an understanding of the role of the leader in a modern organisation. Flexibility and the capacity to apply a range of leadership styles is critical. 

Learning how to be a good supervisor is critical to reach optimum effectiveness faster and avoid feeling like you’ve been 'thrown in at the deep end'. This supervisor course will help ensure you perform at the highest level on site or in the office. This course runs in Perth, Bunbury, Geraldton, Albany, Kalgoorlie and Karratha.

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