Strategic Human Resource Management

Taking a longer term perspective of the role of HRM in organisations builds credibility and can add real value to the organisation. This course will help HR professionals to develop their ability to have a strategic impact within their organisation.


1 Day

Time (AWST)


A successful HR strategy enables an organisation to achieve their goals. Learn the necessary skills and knowledge to build this all important strategy whilst gaining an understanding of the influential behaviours HR professionals need in order to make a strategic impact within the organisation.

Who will benefit

This course has been designed for HR professionals who would like to develop their ability to have a strategic impact within their organisation. It is for anyone who is responsible for the design and development of HR strategies and who is interested in exploring new ideas in a practical way.


  • Business strategy and alignment
  • Strategic HR planning
  • Building a successful business case
  • Persuading and influencing
  • Change management
  • Trends and issues in HR.

Learning Outcomes

Participants should be able to:

  • Articulate the role HR can play in aligning people strategies to organisational objectives
  • Build a HR strategy and consider implications for implementation
  • Connect with key stakeholders to support the strategy
  • Develop specific strategies to support the change process.
Related Results

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