Learn to function at your best with insights from the latest research and brain science into personal productivity and decision making. This course will explore a range of different techniques to give you a new toolkit of skills.
2 Days
We now know some amazing things about how our brain works best. Exploring these discoveries is the key to unleashing personal productivity, effectiveness and efficiency. The Think Smart course will expose you to a suite of techniques that will play a part in improving work output, quality, personal wellness and balance while at the same time, reducing overall stress.
The program is relevant to anyone, particularly individuals whose role requires them to deal with large volumes of diverse tasks and who have multiple time deadlines.
Participants should be able to:
Knowing how to write clear, concise and effective communications is an essential workplace skill. This training course teaches you how to plan, organise and structure your writing to effectively reach your target audience.
How we manage our emotions and empathise with other people can have a dramatic impact on our effectiveness at leading and achieving results. This emotional intelligence course helps you better sense and respond to your own emotions and the emotions of others. This course is available in Perth and select regional locations.
Tough discussions with a direct report, peer, boss, supplier or customer can arise in a variety of situations. This course will show you how to prepare for these challenges and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome for everyone involved. This course runs in Perth and select regional locations.
Conflict at work should enable ideas to be tested and new directions to be explored. In this course, you will examine positive and negative conflicts and discover conflict resolution techniques for your work and personal life. This course runs in Perth and Kalgoorlie.