Think Smart

Learn to function at your best with insights from the latest research and brain science into personal productivity and decision making. This course will explore a range of different techniques to give you a new toolkit of skills.


2 Days

Time (AWST)


We now know some amazing things about how our brain works best. Exploring these discoveries is the key to unleashing personal productivity, effectiveness and efficiency. The Think Smart course will expose you to a suite of techniques that will play a part in improving work output, quality, personal wellness and balance while at the same time, reducing overall stress.

Who will benefit

The program is relevant to anyone, particularly individuals whose role requires them to deal with large volumes of diverse tasks and who have multiple time deadlines.


  • Understanding how the brain works
  • Managing your energy rather than your time
  • Creativity and note-taking
  • How we gain insight
  • Priority setting
  • Making decisions on what to do next
  • Managing the email mountain
  • The myth of multitasking
  • The impact of food and exercise on productivity
  • Managing the impact of others on your productivity.

Learning Outcomes

Participants should be able to:

  • Develop strategies to be more productive at work
  • Have greater awareness of when they are most effective
  • Take a holistic perspective on the factors influencing their output
  • Open themselves to more creative thinking
  • Support others to be more productive.
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