WHS for Managers, Supervisors and Team Leaders

This course will assist managers, supervisors and team leaders to understand their responsibilities under our WHS laws and develop the skills needed to effectively manage safety in the workplace.


2 Days

Time (AWST)


People are becoming aware of their responsibility as managers for the safety and health of their staff or people who may be contracted into their workplace.

Each manager now is required to not only identify the OHS/WHS issues relating to their workplace, but also understand the legislation that pertains to their organisation and the implications if this is not adhered to. The course provides an overview of the most fundamental aspects of Work Health and Safety (WHS) management.

Who will benefit

Managers, supervisors and team leaders who wish to extend their knowledge and experience in the field of WHS and learn how to incorporate strategic risk management principles and practices.


  • Applicable health and safety legislation and the need for compliance
  • Overview of risk management principles and techniques as part of the overall WHS risk and emergency management strategy
  • The components of an effective WHS management system
  • The importance of WHS consultation in the workplace.

Learning Outcomes

You will learn to:

  • Develop an effective WHS risk management plan for their workplace
  • Develop, evaluate and monitor WHS consultative processes to ensure participation
  • Plan for the systematic management of WHS in their area of responsibility.
Related Results

Every manager wants to develop the 'right' Work Health and Safety (WHS) culture for their business but many struggle to describe what that culture would actually look like. This course is designed to provide an introduction to the process of shaping the culture of an organisation which forms a critical part of ensuring excellent WHS performance and the ongoing viability of your business.

An effective Work Health and Safety (WHS) system is essential in any organisation to support a safer working environment. This course will explore how to implement, maintain and monitor an effective WHS system within your workplace.

Discover the essential skills and knowledge to fulfil the requirements of the WHS Act and create a safer workplace for all your workers and customers. To be recognised by WorkSafe, people attending this course MUST be a Health and Safety Representative (HSR).

This course will guide you through the internationally recognised structure of a Work Health and Safety Management System or Occupational Health and Safety System, and importantly what you need to do to meet legislative requirements.

Workplace Conversations
Mental health and the WHS Act 2020

Redefining the word 'health'

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