Effective Stakeholder Engagement

Communication by managers within an organisation should be guided by the real needs of stakeholders. This course explores several tools to help identify those real needs and not just work from assumptions. In doing so, organisations can create communication strategies that enable effective engagement with those stakeholders.


2 Days

Time (AWST)


Stakeholder engagement is integral to the success of all projects and major organisational change initiatives, regardless of the size of the project. Too often, relationships with stakeholders are managed in an informal or intuitive way. This casual approach to stakeholder engagement is one of the most common causes of project failure which could easily be prevented with better planning.

Who will benefit

Project managers, coordinators, community workers or other staff who are responsible for projects with a number of diverse stakeholders.


  • A strategic approach to stakeholder management
  • Realising the benefits of stakeholder engagement
  • Analysing stakeholder interests and needs
  • Stakeholder engagement methods and processes
  • Stakeholder communication plans
  • Evaluating engagement effectiveness
  • Responding to changing stakeholder interests.

Learning Outcomes

Participants should be able to:

  • Define the needs and aspirations of their stakeholders
  • Develop a planned approach to connect with each of the most significant stakeholders
  • Set up performance measures to determine the success or failure of their approach
  • Align the stakeholder engagement plan with the overall strategy for the project.

What past course attendees say:

"The frameworks and templates provided were excellent."
"Great atmosphere that allowed the group to open up and share experiences."
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