Turn Data into Compelling Visual Presentations

The use of data can be helpful to communicate messages to others but sometimes the main message can be lost or an audience can disengage. This course provides practical tips on sifting and using data in such a way to support the main message in a clear, succinct way.


1 Day

Time (AWST)


Data loses its power if it can’t be communicated in meaningful ways to others. Too often, the volume of information clouds the message and audiences disconnect, disengage or block out the results. This course combines PowerPoint and presentation skills to provide practical advice on sifting data, identifying the key message and presenting it in a format that everyone can understand. The result will significantly improve the communication and ability to take action.

Who will benefit

Technical professionals, analysts, scientists and others working in data rich environments who are required to present their data and persuade others using their findings and analysis.


  • Defining the purpose of the data
  • Defining the purpose of the presentation
  • Clarifying the audience expectations
  • Sifting the data for keystone information
  • Options for presenting the data
  • Using PowerPoint effectively
  • Using handouts at the right time
  • Why less is more
  • Presentation skills
  • Managing a Q&A session.

Learning Outcomes

Participants should be able to:

  • Select relevant data to meet the needs of their audience
  • Prepare a presentation that is understood by the audience
  • Avoid the common pitfalls with the use of PowerPoint and other presentation software
  • Respond skilfully to questions from the audience.
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